Evolution of a Worshiper

I first saw this cartoon in an issue of Worship Leader Magazine and laughed so hard until I realized how sad it is. Someone once said we laugh at things that we find a bit of truth in. Sadly, the cartoon rings true with so many folks.
Why have we gotten so..."stiff"? For some, it may be fear. I once heard someone say "I want to go to a church where I can feel comfortable raising my hands in the air if I want to without thinking that everyone is looking at me." For others, it may be that the Spirit doesn't cause him/her to respond with arms stretched into the heavens. To each of these - I'll attempt to address.
To the scared worshiper...guess what? You're not there to please anyone in that church but to praise God! Paul, writing to the Ephesians, said we are to worship "singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord" (Eph. 5:18) and even tells the Corinthians how they should worship when they go to church:
"When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation" (1 Cor. 14:26).
It's your interpretation - and if the Spirit moves you to raise you arms in the air...then raise 'em high!
I had to laugh because of a comment my wife made to me. She said, "you know, when the camera gets a close-up of you on the jumbo-screen and your arms are raised...you look like you have no neck." We had a good laugh because we finally figured out it was because of one of the many camera angles that our videographers takes at an upward angle that gives the "no-neck" appearance. (I'm also about 10 pounds heavier on the screens .... but that's another issue) It's one thing to have a laugh about it after the fact with my wife...but would I change my emotions or be self conscious of how I look on camera while I am glorifying God? Not at all! My worship is to God, not to my image.
The bottom line....worship from your heart - and worship how you feel comfortable. Don't let outside sources (unless, of course, its the Holy Spirit) influence you!
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