Jason Whitehorn: Rants and Praises

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Location: Smyrna, TN, United States

While I attend church and am on the Worship Team at LifePoint Church near Nashville, TN - the views and opinions stated on this blog are mine alone.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Chasin those geese.....and riding horses?

If you haven't already, go out and buy Wild Goose Chase. If you haven't started Chasing God - what are you waiting for? He made you...He claimed you...He's calling you...DON'T JUST STAND THERE!!!

Now that we've gotten that out of the way...

I can't begin talking about this book without thinking about a stand-out portion from another great book The Man In The Mirror. In that book, the author talks about living your secular life and spiritual life. He likens it to a circus horse rider. You've seen him/her before. The rider stands atop two horses, carefully balancing both, switching balance between the two as he/she rides around the arena. It's easier as the horses ride together, but if the horses start drifting apart, the rider has to make a choice between the two as to which one he/she wants to stick with.

Its the same with our lifes on our adventure with God. We can have our spiritual life and our secular life...but we if those horses split....which one are you gonna choose?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Worship was awesome...

Worship was awesome this morning and music was spectacular and I finally pickup up my copy of the book Wild Goose Chase. I'll be blogging more and more as I redo the book and let you know how God is taking me on my new adventure. listen

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Is it just me? or is...

Is it just me? or is it impossible to sing the song "Revelation Song" without wondering what it would be like to be up in heaven, Singing before the throne of God with all the angels. Holy holy is the Lord God Almighty. Man isn't that song awesome. listen

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wild Goose Chase

This Sunday, I get to start my new journey heading on a Wild Goose Chase. This is a new book by an awesome guy named Mark Batterson. I encourage you to go out and pick up a copy of the book yourself and learn more about getting back into a new adventure with God.

Stay tuned to the blog as I will be posting my thoughts and daily devotions about the book.

(A special thanks to Sully for the opportunity, in advance, to read the book!)

Friday, August 22, 2008

The TECH-Church

It never ceases to amaze me at how far we seem to leap and bound in the technology field. I was reading a blog yesterday about "missing things from 90's worship" and I realized just how far we've come today in the technology front.

At my church, we have a fantastic crew of folks who make services flow in a seemless manner using various forms of multimedia and the end result is pure worship.

I had to do a double-take today when I realized how much more the doors were openned out there between our day-to-day life and the church itself.

Take...Twitter. I use Twitter daily. I keep up with friends. They keep up with me. We talk about when we are in need of prayers, leaving for work, praising for joy....or sending pictures wearing hats that no person in this world should wear (Sorry, Micah. Greg Norman, you are NOT, brutha!) - but all in all it is an interseting tool that we use on a daily basis.

I took a look at Wikipedia and what it had to say about Twitter and was suprised to see this:

Westwinds Church in Jackson, Michigan uses Twitter as a part of its weekend worship services and introduced the concept of Twitter Church [12]. Westwinds runs training classes for Twitter and encourages members to bring laptops and mobile devices to church. On occasion, the Twitter feed will be live on the screens in the auditorium and everyone is encouraged to give their input, make observations, and ask questions in an interactive worship format.

Wow! Twitter in church! Kind of puts new meaning to "following" someon in Twitter...especiialy if you're trying to "Twitter Jesus!"

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cardboard Testimonies

A worship pastor friend of mine in Facebook that went to my old high school posted this AMAZING video from YouTube. I had never seen it before but it is AWESOME. How true is this? What would your cardboard testimony say?

"Healer" part 2

Let me clarify - based on an email conversation last night - the difference in how I feel we should be handling this mishap as Christians.

Is what Mike did fraud? Yes. There is no doubt about it. Is what WE do as Christians turn our back on Mike for what has happened? ABSOLUTELY NOT! What Mike has done is no worse than the sin I have in my life. Don't get me wrong...I don't want to make it seem as if it is small to have "made up" an illness for all to believe - but my point is not that. My point is that sin is sin. The Bible says that we have all sinned. God views that sin the same. Mike is dealing with that sin now - and we should be praying for him.

My previous post was in regards to the many who are now posting on YouTube saying "this song is a fraud and should be taken off of here and the radio and never played again..." absolutely not. The song still stands as a true anthem. God will continue to work through the song. Guess what...God will continue to work through Mike, too.

Don't forget to give him your prayers. I'm sure he could use them. So could the congregation and youth he led.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


So...sad news today. The writer of the song "Healer" (an awesome song, btw) seems to have turned out to be a fraud. I can't help but think back to a recent editor's note in Worship Leader magazine that talks about how God manifests in many areas, though. The editor talked about how they did a cover article back in the day about Mel Gibson and the "changes" the Passion made in his life. We all know how that seemed to have turned out. But straddle that fence for a moment. Look on a broad scope. Chase that Goose for a moment! (Love that buzz phrase, don't ya) Didn't he do wonders for millions of other people? Its not about him! Its about what God did through the medium of a movie.

Guess what? "Healer" is still about what God can do through the medium of a song with other people. And ya know what? God can heal disillusion and deceitful folks, too!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"What we need is more Studds in church"

Wow wow wow wow! I cannot WAIT to read this book! Mark Batterson's new book Wild Goose Chase hit the stores today. Mark put out snippet of the book on his blog. Man...talk about a quote!!

What is most lacking in the church of Jesus Christ is not education or resources. Keep learning, but we are educated way beyond the level of our obedience. And keep giving, but we do not lack the resources to alleviate poverty or fight injustice or spread the gospel. We are the most resourced church in the most resourced country the world has ever known. You what is most lacking? Good old-fashioned guts.

The will of God is not an insurance plan. It's a daring plan. And more often than not, the will of God will involve a decision that seems unsafe or insane. Dare I suggest that the twenty-first century church needs more daring people with daring plans?

In the words of a daring twentieth century missionary, C.T. Studd: "Some want to live within the sound of church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell."

The church needs more Studds! And you can quote me on that.

- from the book Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson

Sunday, August 17, 2008

"God of This City"

This is another one of my favorites that I thought I would share (thanks to Micah). It ranks a close second to "Honestly" by Elias Dummer.

“The Greatness of Your Name”

I must say, I am so impressed with the work God has done through Micah Huebner and Scott Mills new song that was "debuted" today at FBCSmyrna during our Dare U To Move series. (wow, can I possibly fit any more hyperlinks in there?) The song fit so remarkably well in with the purpose of the series, but also fits well in with our global purpose with the Lord's work in general. As soon as I get the dynamic duo's permission, I'll post lyrics, music, etc on the blog as it is one I would recommend using in worship. AWESOME song!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

"Everlasting God"

No matter how you cut it, these words will just rock your socks off and speak volumes to your soul! Lead it sometime if you haven't lately.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Let me clarify that...

Let me clarify that last blog, while me and Crystal are out for our anniversary this weekend I won't be doing any official blogging, so I'm using a handy tool called Jott to do my blog. Stay tuned for little shot bursts of blog here and there. listen

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I'll have to admit that...

I'll have to admit that I actually liked watching a little bit of American Idol this last season, and liked David Cook, and just realized that the song "Dare You To Move" was actually performed on the show by David Cook. Interesting since the upcoming series, "Dare You To Move" has the song included in it. Just thought I'd share. listen

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"Don't Let The Sun Set"

You'd think you've heard the phrase a million times in your life until you hear it from a friend you admire - a friend who has a right to say it. Over the past couple of months, my heart has been in such deep prayer for Steven and Mary Beth and the kids - Jim & Yo and the entire extended family for what has transpired with Maria.

In all the prayers I could have for the Chapman's....leave it to Steven to have the prayer for the rest of us that we would not let the sun set on differences or issues...and that we would hold each day we spend with each other so dear. I am so guilty of harboring ill against a setting sun.

I am so thankful that God is using Maria's life and using Steven and Mary Beth and the family to touch others today - that good things can come from an otherwsie tragic situation. Tears of joy come to my eyes to know the truth in what Steven says...."if I believe anything that I sing about - I will dance with my Cinderella again."

Amen, Amen...and Amen!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Prayers for the Chapmans

The Chapmans have decided to speak publically for the first time to a national audience (aside from Steven's concerts) by several television interviews. Steven, Mary Beth, Emily, Caleb, and Will will be talking to Good Morning America, Larry King Live, and People Magazine about the May 21st tragedy with Maria.

It's joyous to know that God can use this to His advantage - but puts me in a state of prayer at the same time. This puts the Chapmans in a very vulnerable state. Let's all join together and ask prayers of intercession for them as they take part in these interviews.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

"Jesus, Messiah"

I love this song from Chris Tomlin. Its on the New Song Cafe. Notice how Chris makes mention of how beautiful the name "Messiah" is. Isn't it? Ironic the the "Annointed One" (Messiah) gave the ultimate annointment when he died to make atonement before the Father for the sins of the world. How could your heart not cry out "Jesus! Messiah!" in worship?!?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

No blog today. I'm spending...

No blog today. I'm spending time, my family celebrating my daughter's 7th Birthday. It's hard to believe that my little angel is 7 years old but the last it's true. Have a good day. listen

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What If We Treated Worship Like NBA Games?

Caught this video on blog.worship.com and thought I would share.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Pastor's Search for the Holy Grail (Monty Python style)

Hmmm....what would ya get if ya cross Pat with Monty Python? This "Pastor Cory" beat us to the punch. Funny, though. Take a look.

Hey guys, I found this...

Hey guys, I found this really cool tool called Jott. It lets me call my cellphone and then speak into the phone and jott transcribes my voice into my blog. So, I'm actually speaking the words to my blog right now. Pat Hood you've really got to get this tool. The only downside is, unlike your sermons, there is a time limit. listen

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